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Transforming Child Care

Transforming Child Care

In the heart of CFC’s community, dedicated early childhood professionals work tirelessly to ensure families have access to affordable child care. By serving families based on income and family size, we work to provide need-based assistance that allows caregivers to continue their education, find employment, or participate in other eligible activities. 

This year, Connections for Children has taken significant steps to enroll more families than ever! In the last few months, CFC staff have contacted over 2,000 families who expressed interest in our subsidized childcare programs. With the dedicated efforts of our new enrollment team, we are actively working to enroll as many families into our programs as possible. 

If you or someone you know needs help paying for child care, please have them apply online by clicking here or call our office at (310) 452-3325. Connections for Children recognizes the importance of affordable child care in our community, and we are here to help!