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Team Building with Piece by Piece

Connections for Children celebrated our annual Staff Appreciation Day with a special activity facilitated by Piece by Piece.

Celebrating Staff Appreciation Day at Connections for Children 

At the end of June, Connections for Children (CFC) celebrated our annual Staff Appreciation Day with a special activity facilitated by Piece by Piece, a nonprofit social enterprise dedicated to providing arts wellness and income-earning opportunities to individuals who have experienced economic hardship. This unique collaboration brought Piece by Piece artists and instructors to lead a mosaic art workshop for the CFC staff, resulting in a beautiful mosaic art piece that will be proudly displayed in the CFC main office.

The workshop was more than just an artistic endeavor; it was an opportunity for the CFC team to experience the positive impact of art as a tool for wellness, relaxation, and community building. This creative exercise allowed team members from different departments to collaborate and enjoy each other’s company in a joyful and engaging environment.

Carolina Hernandez, a Quality Assurance Specialist at CFC, reflected on the experience: “Doing the activity was nice and refreshing. I enjoyed working with my colleagues to build something together since we do not see each other every day. I was able to see how creative I can be.” 

The creation of the CFC logo as a mosaic art piece served as a bonding experience for the team, fostering a sense of unity and community. The finished mosaic will stand as a constant reminder of the team’s collaboration and the positive impact we can achieve when we work together.

This collaboration with Piece by Piece provided a valuable opportunity for our CFC staff to learn about and support another nonprofit that is focused on empowering individuals who have experienced homelessness or economic insecurity. This meaningful partnership not only strengthened the camaraderie among our team but also highlighted the importance of community engagement and making a positive difference.

The workshop demonstrated the healing power of art while promoting personal wellness and building community. It was a day filled with creativity, connection, and a shared sense of purpose. All of us at CFC are grateful to Piece by Piece for facilitating the workshop and look forward to future opportunities to work together to enrich the lives of those we serve.


To learn more about Piece by Piece, visit their website.